1st Roofing Edinburgh

Client project case study


1st Roofing Edinburgh

1st Roofing is an Edinburgh roofing and roof repair company. In 2017 they came to us because their old site was neither mobile-responsive, nor was it ranking on Google. We proposed replacing it with a new website based on the WordPress CMS.

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1stroofingedinburgh tablet smartphone
1stroofingedinburgh.co.uk before 1stroofingedinburgh.co.uk after

Old versus new website

Use the slider arrows to compare the old non-responsive website, with the new one. The old site was so out of date it was past saving. It is now a vibrant looking site reflecting the beauty of the City of Edinburgh skyline and emphasising its unique roofing styles.

WordPress 6

43% of the web is built on WordPress.


'The HTML Living Standard'.


The next generation of CSS.

Vanilla Javascript

A lightweight, cross-platform framework.

More pages and more info...

The original site did not have enough content. We spent time researching this client's competitors, plus every aspect not only of general roofing practices and Edinburgh roofing requirements in particular. We created more pages and all the content necessary for SEO purposes.

If you like what you see here, why not visit the live website—linked to at the top of the page—or visit our our main Web Design & development page for more information.


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